February 21, 2008

You Know, The Royal "We," The Editorial...

Maybe you've experienced this - your manager, or superior, or some "member" of your "team" comes over to talk to you and says - "we need to do this" or "we need to do that," employing a technique known in the vernacular as "we're all in this together."

Hearing this, if you're like me, you automatically think - "what you really mean is I need to do this...and you're just gonna go back to your desk, sit down and play tetris for the next three hours."

So what I'd like to know is - We? What the fuck we, man? When did people become so vulnerable that you couldn't ask them personally to do something?

As far as I'm concerned - if you're asking ME to do something, the least you can do is acknowledge that I will be the one doing the work.

Don't give me this "we" nonsense. This will not stand man, this unchecked agression.

Anyone with me?


itdontmattertojess said...

OMG, I am so glad you added that picture of Lumbergh. Ummmm, yeah...

El Duderino said...

It just felt right.

The Immortal Silky Johnson said...

I hate that shit in the worst way. As the single point of contact for our clients we shitted upon!!! They always throw out the prefix, "YOU" did this or, "YOU" did that. I painfully bite me lip and take, but really want to stop them dead in their tracks, and let them know what is really going on, and that I neither deserver nor need any shit from them.. The Royal We is the bane of the existence of the Grunt!
I mean, I'm just saying.